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Τμήμα Οικονομικών Επιστημών


Research Seminar 15/01/2025:"Growth and Cycles: From Harrod and Solow to Marx" ( by Nikolaos Chatzarakis)

Research Seminar 10/01/2025: "The effect of measurement error and untruthfulness on binary RRT models"  ( by Sat Gupta)

Research Seminar 27/11/2024: ''"Post-war Greco-German Relations: Economic Development, Business Interests and European Integration" ( by Christos Tsakas)    

Research Seminar 30/10/2024: “Adaptive Functional Time Series Analysis” (by Valentin Patilea)

Research Seminar 23/10/2024: “Sustainability, Green Innovation and Transformation: Challenges and Opportunities” (by Pinar Acar)

Research Seminar 16/10/2024: “The Local Effects of Artificial Intelligence Labor Investments: Evidence from the Municipal Bond Market” (by Christos A. Makridis)

Research Seminar 14/10/2024: “The wrong answer to the wrong question. Where climate science is failing and what that may mean for our future” (by Martin Harrison)

Research Seminar 29/05/2024: “Marshall’s scissors and a human organisation and praxis classical theory of value” (by Christos Pitelis)

Research Seminar 03/04/2024: “Chain of Command Distance and Informal Social Ties: Replication and Extension” (by Starling David Hunter)

Research Seminar 27/03/2024: “Extreme Heat and Labor Cost Stickiness: Evidence from China” (by Thanos Andrikopoulos)

Research Seminar 06/03/2024: “A Preferred-Habitat Model of Term Premia, Exchange Rates, and Monetary Policy Spillovers” (by Walker Ray )

Research Seminar 17/01/2024: '' Songlines'' (by Sotiris Kampanelis)

Research Seminar 20/12/2023: ''Technical Change from the Top: The Role of Director Nationality in Importing Robots" (by Ioannis Papadakis)

Research Seminar 09/11/2023: “Song of Refugees” (by Elias Papaioannou)

Research Seminar 08/11/2023: “Nonparametric  Multiple-Output Center-Outward Quantile Regression” (by Marc Hallin)

Research Seminar 07/06/2023: "Longer-Term Effects of Teachers: Evidence from a Random Assignment of Teachers to Students" by (Rigissa Megalokonomou)

Research Seminar 08/03/2023: "Low Interest Rates, Capital Misallocation and Welfare" by ( Anastasios Dosis)

Research Seminar 09/02/2023: "The role of Artificial Intelligence to predict the energy prices: Early Warning Systems with Machine Learning" (by Ilias Kampouris)

Research Seminar 18/01/2023: “Heterogeneous labor market response to monetary policy: small versus large firms” (by Anastasia Zervou)

Research Seminar 14/12/2022: “Long and Short of Financing Government Spending” (by Rigas Oikonomou)

Research Seminar 30/11/2022: “An Integrated Approach on SMEs Financial Literacy” ( by Nikolaos Daskalakis)

Research Seminar 5/10/2022: ''Online Portfolio Analysis For High Frequency Trading
 Based On Recurrent Neural Networks'' (by Xinwei Cao)

Research Seminar: 1/6/2022 ''Accounting for Unemployment Differences in OECD'' (by Ioannis Kospentaris)

Research Seminar 4/5/2022: ΄΄The Impact of Monetary Policy on Stock Prices: Putting the Pedal to the Metal or Losing Steam? '' (by Carlo Rosa)

Research Seminar 13/04/22: ''Labour Shares in the EU: Cross-Country Heterogeneity and Cross-Sectional Dependence'' (by Ilias Kostarakos)

Research Seminar 16/03/22: "Net Neutrality and Welfare Effects of Discrimination on Either or Both the Content Side and the User Side" (by Romain Lestage)

Research Seminar 16/02/22: "Historical pathogen prevalence and the radius of trust" (by Vassilis Sarantides)

Research Seminar 02/02/22: "Investors’ attention and information losses under market stress" (by Dionisis Philippas)

Research Seminar 19/01/22: "Minimum Wages and Insurance within the Firm" (by Efi Adamopoulou)

Research Seminar 15/12/21: “Culture and Borrowers' Behavior: Evidence from Peer-to-Peer Lending” (by Athanasios Andrikopoulos)

Research Seminar 8/12/21: “Trade and the rise of ancient Greek city-states” (by Jordan Adamson)

Research Seminar 24/11/21: "Group formation: Contribute much with effort and little with ability'' (by Eva Chalioti)

Research Seminar 27/10/21: "The perfect bail-in: Financing without banks using Peer-To-Peer Lending"

Research Seminar 02/06/21: Strategic Delegation to Organizations (by Petros Sekeris)

Research Seminar 19/05/21: Industrial Policy Implementation: Empirical Evidence from China’s Shipbuilding Industry (by Myrto Kalouptsidi)

Research Seminar 21/04/21:"Real Effects of Bank Taxation: Evidence for Corporate Financing and Investment" (by Dimitris Chronopoulos)

Research Seminar 07/04/21: "Search Frictions and Efficiency in Decentralized Transport Markets" (by Theodore Papageorgiou joint with Giulia Brancaccio, Myrto Kalouptsidi and Nicola Rosaia)

Research Seminar 10/03/21: Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis and contagion in financial markets (by Aristeidis Samitas)

Research Seminar: Quality and Imperfect Competition. (by Germain Gaudin)

Research Seminar: Religion, Social Trust and Human Capital (by Ioannis Bournakis, Dimitris Christopoulos & Elena Nikolova)

Research Seminar: Informal institutions and corporate reputational risk ''the role of public environmental perceptions'' 29/1/2020

Research Seminar: Social Status and Intergenerational Equality of Opportunity   19.12.2019

Research Seminar: The unintended consequences of meritocratic government hiring    18.12.2019

Research seminar: The efficiency of US community banks   06.11.2019