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Research Seminar 8/12/21: “Trade and the rise of ancient Greek city-states” (by Jordan Adamson)


Research Seminar Series in Economic Sciences, 2021-2022

Speaker: Jordan Adamson, Assistant Professor Institute of Empirical Economic Research, Leipzig University

Webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/jordan-adamson


Title: “Trade and the rise of ancient Greek city-states”

Date & Time: Wednesday, December 8th, 2021, 19:00 - 20:30  

Webex Link: https://uoa.webex.com/uoa/j.php?MTID=m6f2d44769f2375bf2090852c432d9ac6

Url: http://www.econ.uoa.gr/ereynhtika-seminaria-research-seminars.html


Abstract: This paper theoretically synthesizes the neo-institutionalist, neo-physiocrat, and neo-classical frameworks and helps empirically explain the development of ancient city-states.

I first develop a model that clarifies the causal effects of geography and trade on production, appropriation, and defense. I then examine major implication of trade, that potential crop diversity is important for all outcomes, amongst the ancient Greek city-states. An exploratory analysis suggests the magnitude of the gains from trade is fundamental for explaining economic, military, and political development. Non-parametric tests confirm that comparative-advantage variables are statistically significant and not the abundance of ‘key crops’.


Organizers: Dimitris Kenourgios, Professor

                      George Dotsis, Assoc. Professor

                      Frago Kourandi, Assist. Professor