Αρχική σελίδα » Ερευνητικά Σεμινάρια - Research Seminars » Seminars » Research Seminar 19/01/22: "Minimum Wages and Insurance within the Firm" (by Efi Adamopoulou)

Research Seminar 19/01/22: "Minimum Wages and Insurance within the Firm" (by Efi Adamopoulou)

Research Seminar Series in Economic Sciences, 2021-2022


Speaker: Effrosyni (Efi) Adamopoulou, Researcher at the University of Mannheim

Webpage: https://sites.google.com/site/efiadamopoulou/home


Title: "Minimum Wages and Insurance within the Firm"

Date & Time: Wednesday, January 19th, 2022, 19:00 - 20:30  


Webex Link: https://uoa.webex.com/uoa/j.php?MTID=m6f2d44769f2375bf2090852c432d9ac6

Url: http://www.econ.uoa.gr/ereynhtika-seminaria-research-seminars.html


Abstract: Minimum wages alter the allocation of firm-idiosyncratic risk across workers. To establish this result, we focus on Italy, and leverage employer-employee data matched to firm balance sheets and hand-collected wage floors. We find a relatively larger pass-through of firm-specific labor-demand shocks into wages for the workers whose earnings are far from the floors, but who are employed by establishments intensive in minimum-wage workers. We study the welfare implications of this fact using an incomplete-market model. The asymmetric pass-through uncovers a novel channel which tilts the benefits of removing minimum wages toward high-paid employees at the expense of low-wage workers.


Organizers: Dimitris Kenourgios, Professor

                      George Dotsis, Assoc. Professor

                      Frago Kourandi, Assist. Professor